Which of the following statement related to PMO is not correct?()
A . The specific form, function, and structure of a PMO are dependent upon the needs of the organization that it supports.
B . One of the key features of a PMO is managing shared resources across all projects administered by the PMO.
C . The PMO focuses on the specified project objectives.
D . The PMO optimizes the use of shared organizational resources across all projects.
Which of the following statement related to PMO is not correct?()
● 参考解析
中文解释:在下列各项中,有关PMO的说法错误的是 A.PMO的具体形式、职能和结构取决于它支持的组织的需求 B.PMO的关键特征之一是在所有PMO管理的项目之间共享和协调资源 C.PMO关注于特定的项目目标 D.PMO对所管理的所有项目共享资源的使用进行优化